If you liked A Song for Her Enemies, its sequel, What Hides behind the Walls, is available for preorder on October 1st on Amazon.
Here’s a bit about it:
If the Nazis stole your house, wouldn’t you be justified in stealing it back?
When Tamar Feldman admits to her husband, Daniel, and mentor, Neelie Visser, that she broke into her former home, they scold her for taking such a risk. Tamar is tired of being careful. She’s tired of living in the present, as if the past doesn’t matter. But the painting of the violin girl in her former bedroom draws her back again and again. She finally steals the painting to return it to its former owner. Now maybe this small act of justice will help Tamar to start to heal. When Neelie sees the painting, she reveals a secret about it that will take the three of them on a quest to Amsterdam and Paris to find justice, forgiveness, and new beginnings. What Tamar doesn’t realize is the past isn’t finished with her yet; in fact, it’s as close as the walls in her house and even follows her to Paris.
Meet Award-winning author, June Foster.
An award-winning author, June Foster is a retired teacher with a BA in Education and a MA in counseling. June began writing Christian romance in 2010 as she and her husband traveled the US in their RV. Her adventures provide a rich source of information for her novels. She brags about visiting a location before it becomes the setting in her next book.
To date, June has written over thirty contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels and novellas. June uses her training in counseling and her Christian beliefs in creating characters who encounter real-life difficulties yet live victorious lives. She's published with Winged Publications. Visit June at www.junefoster.com to see a complete list of her books.
Her novel, The Inn at Cranberry Cove, won the 2021 Selah award for Romantic Suspense. It is available on Amazon in paperback, hardback, and eBook format
Tell us about your book, A Home at Cranberry Cove.
Madison Mitchell will never trust a man again. The love of her life broke her heart and married a French chef. Now she throws herself into her work at The Inn at Cranberry Cove. When she accidentally tangles with the manager of a nearby fishing supply store, she suspects the handsome guy is hiding something.
Micah Collins flees Sacramento seeking solace in the seaside village in Washington state. But he discovers an enemy has followed him to Cranberry Cove. He must endure frightful threats at the same time keeping his previous life secret. When Madison finds herself in danger, Micah blames himself.
Madison and Micah are haunted by someone from Micah's past, but is the culprit the real enemy or should they look elsewhere? Will they find a future together? https://amzn.to/3OMkk4X
June, what part of you is in this book?
I see some of myself in the heroine, Madison Mitchell, before she became a Christian. She walked away from a failed marriage which mirrors my experience as well. She is reluctant to trust men and isn’t sure how to relate to them which described me for a portion of my life. But like Madison, when I found the Lord, He set me free from fear and distrust.
Meet Award-Winning Finalist, Erin Stevenson
Erin Stevenson is a former elementary, secondary, and collegiate educator. Writing for the past decade, her longtime faith and experiences of living across America come alive in her books. Erin is recently retired, traveling the country with her dog in a camper looking for inspiration for her next novels. She currently has ten books out, all of which can be found on her website, https://www.esqwrites.com/ She also has a Christmas book coming in December 2022.
Tell us about Meet Me on the Porch:
Brynne Lockwood has come home to Brattleboro, Vermont, after a humiliating job loss. She’s weary and broken, and still hasn’t truly forgiven herself for a former unhealthy relationship with long-lasting consequences. She doesn’t believe that she deserves anything good and can’t imagine that God could ever use her.
After recovering from a shattering loss, Pastor Adam Johnston is on his way to a new assignment. A mix-up takes him and his baby daughter to beautiful southern Vermont. If he stays, he’ll face opposition, but God has prepared his heart for ministry, and he’s committed to serving there.
Adam and Brynne connect quickly and unexpectedly, but circumstances demand that they be cautious.
Now, you are invited to join Adam and Brynne on the porch at her grandparents’ home—a special place where you'll experience their joy as Adam and Brynne build a friendship rooted in Biblical principles, find healing for their wounds, and discover God’s plan for their lives. PBG
Is there any of you in this book?
I’m not sure. I probably identify with Adam more than any other character. He’s desperately holding on to God during this period of great change and upheaval in his life, and I’d like to think that I do the same. In my recent daily devotionals, I’ve seen a theme of claiming God’s strength during trials. A life walking with Christ isn’t free from problems, but His power and strength to weather the storms of life is available to us if we only reach out.